An inter-media project
Artist Statement
Convergence is an inter-media project that explores my “shape-shifting” identity. It reflects the constant oscillation between my Muslim and Canadian identities and the tensions that come from those simultaneous ideals and beliefs. Sometimes the two can exist in harmony, sometimes they can’t.
Muslim identity is not confined to a rigid box. Narratives about Muslim people of colour are often stereotyped, one-dimensional, and dominant in the media landscape. Convergence aims to broaden our understanding about the everyday nuances of being a religious minority in Western society.
Convergence was completed as the undergraduate thesis project for the Multimedia Studies program at McMaster University. It was also included in Factory Media Centre’s Play at Home Order exhibition in April, 2021.
Convergence I
“The Passing of Time”
This photo series examines my relationship with the land I grew up on and the evolving nature of my identity as I became more influenced by Western culture.
8 photos, 19 inches x 13 inches

Convergence II
“The Women”
Two women with opposing cultural backgrounds and social lifestyles find themselves on a collision course with each other.
Experimental film, 4K UHD digital video, 12 minutes
Convergence III
“The Kneeling”
Four scenes that highlight the everyday nuances and tensions of being Muslim on Western land.
Four-part series, experimental digital video. For optimal viewing experience, ensure headphones are worn in the correct ears.
Part 1 - Friday Prayers
Part 2 - The Duck Pond
Part 3 - Supplication
Part 4 - The Cleanse
Thank You
Kristina Durka - Factory Media Centre
Sarah Rodricks, Damian Spaulding - Voice Actors
Rochelle Reynolds - Production Assistant
Christopher Myhr - Producer, Thesis Advisor